Running the API

Get to know how you can develop the API!

The API resides in the apps/api directory. It is a NestJS project. To run the API locally, do the following:

  • Generate the prisma types:

pnpm run db:generate-types
  • Deploy the migrations:

pnpm run db:deploy-migrations
  • Start the server in development mode:

pnpm run dev:api

Testing your code

We currently perform two kinds of tests: unit tests and integration tests.

After you make sure that you have added your unit tests, or you have made some changes to the existing functionality, you can run them using:

pnpm run unit:api

After this is complete, you can run end-to-end tests to validate your entire application from start to finish. Use this command:

pnpm run e2e:api

You can also skip these first two commands and perform the unit and e2e tests at the same time with:

pnpm run test:api

Last updated